Thursday, February 4, 2010

Spending some time

getting better organized.  This is a basic need in January/February  for me to get myself on the right track for the new year.  How bout you?  Why is it we all want a fresh start at the beginning of the new year?  I wanted to share some photos that I have collected over time as incentive to motivate me.  Take a little peek… (not sure where I found most of these.  Thought I did better at organizing them).  Guess that is something I should WORK on.  Here we will focus on the kitchen….

I really like the look of this “pot” cabinet, especially the place to keep cookie sheets and lids, these are my two biggest problem areas in my “pot” cabinet. How bout you?  Do you have a trick to try to get better organized?


Spices in the drawer.  I like this idea.


drawer organization

what about a cabinet that you can use vertically.  Love the idea of cutting boards and platters.


A wonderful idea is to incorporate a piece of furniture to house your dishes…for easy access

I love this pantry. 


Okay, these are a few of the ideas that I ran across that I need to see if I can implement into my kitchen and pantry.

Do you have some great tips and ideas too?  if so, let me know.  I need all the help I can get.

Cin Sig

Blogger Labels: incentive,WORK,cabinet,Love,furniture,dishes,pantry,ideas,tips,photos,platters,kitchen

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