Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thankful Thursday-Good Health

Another Thankful Thursday is upon us….and today I am extremely thankful for my health.  For the last several days I have not been healthfeeling all that well.  Not really anything bad, but just didn’t feel good, mainly upset stomach and just feeling blasé.

And this morning  I woke up feeling much better and it made me realize just how much we take for granted when we feel good.

And it gave me enough incentive today to decide to change some of my habits. Drink more water, green tea, drink less caffeine, etc… I want to feel healthy more than I want to feel tired, sick
and just not myself.  How bout you?

Today Lynn, suggested we share ten things that make you uniquely you.

  • I have a heavy southern accent
  • I share my birthday with the Marine Corp
  • I LOVE history
  • I love to watch it snow, but hate driving in it
  • I love  old black and white classics
  • If I could have done anything other than being a mom and housewife, I would have liked being a investigator
  • I'm the oldest 
  • I lived in 4 other countries
  • I like to salt my apples when I eat them ( I get laughed at for this)
  • I take sugar and cream in my coffee.

So what is unique about you?
What are you thankful for today?  If you would like to join us for Thankful Thursday hosted by Lynn @Spiritually Unequal Marriage, stop in.

Psalm 40:8“I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart.”

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pam said...

Oh there is so much we take for granted. That's why I love this meme....makes me take notice throughout my week. Hope your weekend is grand!

Lynn said...


just a delightful list. and I had to chuckle too about salting the apples. You are too cute.

Loved finding out some of the details. Hugging you and Happy TT. Praising the Lord with you. Hugs, Lynn

Holly said...

I'm with ya on the southern accent and salting the apples is a must!



jhunnelle said...

you're right we oftentimes take for granted our health esp. when we feel good, only when we feel something bad that we start to check the food that we are eating. Enjoyed your list, love history too.


