Just wanted to let you all know that I am okay and I'm still here.
Since my last entry, we have SOLD OUR HOUSE!
Woohoo! Doing a happy dance!!!!
Anyway, there is a ton of things to do, and with both holidays coming before settlement, I am a bit overwhelmed. We settle on our house 27th of December, but hoping to be moved out the week before Christmas so that I can still put up a tree and have a holiday with my children. (We still haven’t found a place to move too, but have several leads)
Thanks to all who have emailed me about my absence, it means alot to know that I have been missed. I am still around and will be back once things slow down a bit.
I hope all you dear friends have a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving.
Psalm 100:4-5“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
We are going through a similar process. We are seeking to downsize from our house to a condo. Since our house is paid for we can make a purchase without selling our house first. So we are keeping the use of the house in prayer---things are not really selling around here since they overbuilt in the whole extended Myrtle Beach area. There are 700 foreclosures alone!! So our home will probably sit for years....
The other amazing thing is how low the prices of the condos have fallen. This is why we are trying to buy now. We put in a very low bid--lower than the condo was built for and the appraisers said it wasn't even worth what we bid on it!! Things are amazing here. We will see what happens.
Whew! I was one of the many worried ones.
Sold your house, that is great news.
Happy hunting.
Keep the holiday faith going, while packing and praying.
So glad to hear that the reason you've been MIA is because of the house situation..so glad it sold and now will be praying you find the perfect place to move to!! Blessings to you at this Thanksgiving time!!
Congrats and all the best!
Congrats! Hope you find a place soon and can relax some! Happy Thanksgiving!
It's good to "see" you again, Cindy! :)
Wishing you and your family a wonder-FULL Thanksgiving!
What a wonderful Thanksgiving present Cindy, I am very happy for you. Praying you will find a place soon, It is so good to hear from you, I was thinking of you today.
Wishing you and your family a most blessed Thanksgiving.
Hugs, Sue
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