cause I know it’s been A. L.O.N.G. time since I have made a post…..didn’t plan on taking another hiatus but that is exactly what happened.
It’s hard for me to believe that it is the middle of August already and not sure about where you are living but here in Maryland our temps have been miserable. However the last week we have been truly blessed by some wonderful rain and even storms and it has definitely cooled things off. It could stay like this until we run into fall. Although I really hate the heat being so high, I prefer it over the frigid cold and really do dread to see the onset of winter.
Life has been very busy for me this summer, and I like it when that happens. We have made several trips this summer, one of which was out to Texas for my stepdaughter’s wedding. We spent 10 days out there, traveling all over the state. Oh what fun we had. It’s was the first time in a long time I wasn’t ready to come back home even in the 108 weather. It was great.
Now back to bizness……

Today I am sharing my list for “One Thousand Gifts”, it is where you come up with 1000 things that your are thankful for (gifts in your life). It is to help you better recognize just all the little blessings we have each day that we take for granted.
Ann Voskamp has written a book called just that. She also has a lovely and well
written blog “A Holy Experience” if you aren’t reading you are missing it folks. I love reading her blog, many hours have been spent hours there. And she is the most delightful person to listen too. (No, I haven’t met her personally, but I have watched via vblog her series on the book)
One Thousand Gifts .
80.a teachable heart and spirit.
81.for another day
82.listening to the sound of silence
83. listening to anything, (it means I can hear)
84.sharing a wonderful card game with my kids, unexpectedly
85.laughter with friends
86.sharing memories
87.going home
88.summer fruits
89. Iced cold coffee
90.Frozen yogurt on a hot summer evening
91.beautiful weddings with my hubby
92. watching hubby come into his element
93. sharing special moments with hubby
94. God's portrait of America
95. Ocean waves crashing on the shore
96. picking sea shells off the beach
97. walking hand and hand with my hubby
98. cool water on a scorching hot day
99. fluffy clouds that float through the blue sky
100. meeting new family members
101. delicious Mexican meals
102. Strolling the Riverwalk on a perfect evening
103. sharing a sinfully delicious "Blizzard" with hubby
104. running down the road, listening to the radio
105. taking time to stop along the way of our travels
106. fun filled vacations
107. visiting with old friends over dessert
108. making new memories
109. Opportunity to give hugs
110. a nice warm bath after a tiring day
111. Smiles on my children's faces
112. Listening to my children
113. Watching them now as young adult making their way
114. Praying for them
115. Quiet moments of reflection
116. Being available to a friend in need
117. Ability to feel compassion
118. God's abundant grace in my life
119. Time spent singing God's praises
120. Opportunity to seek God's face
121. New shoes that I have been looking for
122. Watching my son and hubby play softball together on the church league.
123. Promises kept
124. Future opportunities
125. Open doors in life
126. Sometimes closed ones
127. A heart filled with gratitude
128. Being able to stay at home and type this list whilst looking out my window sipping my morning coffee.
129. Treasuring my gifts
130. Having my children over for a home cooked meal
131. unexpected Ice cream treat.
132. fresh picked peaches (the taste of summer)
133. homegrown produce to grace our table
134. Butterflies
135. Beautiful friends on the inside.
136. Chocolate
137. relaxing evenings at home
138. celebrating my dad's birthday
139. traveling mercies
140. fun snail mail
141. a belly aching laugh
142. warm sun on my face
143. sharing stories with my kids
144. walking for exercise
145. A completed to do list
146. our country
147. the flag and what it implies
147. our founding fathers
148. bananas baked into bread
149. reading to sharpen the mind
150. a happy marriage
I believe that it is crucial that we be grateful and give thanks for all our blessings.
I hope you will have a very blessed Monday.
Romans 14:8“If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |