Monday, April 19, 2010

I have been asked this

many times in my life, “Are you a Stepford wife?”.  Not exactly put that way, but the question was the same.  Well this morning while reading some of my favorite Christian woman inspired blogs (several links to some great women on the left) I found that Courtney at Women Living Well, answers this question.  

Courtney has a awesome blog (I {heart} her blog) where she shares lots of wonderful Christian views on marriage, home, family, women.  She has also done a great study about the Proverbs 31 woman.  Whom is my inspiration as a woman.  Be all that God wants you to be.

Be blessed this Monday!


Cin Sig

1 comment:

LadyT said...

Hi Cindy;

In my time as a young wife and mother it was the normal thing to stay home and take care of your family and home. My family always sat down to fresh cooked meals (praying to our Lord for thanks first) and a clean house. The expression "Stepford Wife" wasn't even thought of yet. LOL! Today with the way life has progressed it isn't always easy for young couples to live in a one job provider home. How I wish it didn't have to be that way for the younger generation. If they would put their trust and lives into Our Father's Hands first...

Have a blessed beginning of the week my friend. Hugs

