and tell ya that I have been on some far away trip and I’m so exhausted by all the excursions that I’ve done, that I can barely think straight. When in reality I have been playing hold up and hostage

in my own home. Yep, you heard that right. I have been sitting here at home and not blogging nor really wanting to post. Ok…that’s not really true, I’ve wanted to post but just haven’t felt that I have had anything worthy or fun to even share.
I think this weather has me in some kind of a funk. This happens to me alot around this time of the year…All the activities of the holidays are over and this year I had the move on top of everything else, so I am feeling a bit “out of sorts”. Although I am a wee bit excited about all the progress I have made with getting things in order. Isn’t that what January is all about? And that is what I spent most of January doing… out computer files, making password list, personal work related files, creating a coupon binder, going back to the menu planner, and also back to cooking and baking more. :) Not bad for a January. Now that February is here, we have gotten my hubby’s work office moved to a new location. (His lease was up at his other office), and hoping now we can focus on some fun stuff.
This past weekend (Sat) he and I took the day and headed out to a auction up in Pa that had primitives for sale. Oh my…good thing I am living in a shoe box because there was lots I wanted to bring home
. Afterwards we hit several antique stores in the area, grabbed some dinner, did some grocery shopping and headed home. I was utterly worn out when we got home.
Sunday we headed out to church followed by stopping in at the store to grab a few things for lunch. We came home and made lunch together, Chicken fijitas’ ummmmmm yummy!, even had time for a nap before the Super Bowl. All in all it was a great weekend…so what have I been up to this week….
Trying to decide what to do for my family for Valentines day.
Got any plans? We don’t usually do alot for each other. And for my kids, I normally just pick them up some goodies, but this year I am playing around with the thought of “making them some homebaked goodies” .
I will most likely work on them tomorrow as hubby is taking Friday off from work and we may be going out of town for the day and Saturday we are taking my boys to see the Washington Wizards play the San Antonio Spurs in DC. So it should be another busy weekend.
So this hopefully gives you a idea of where I’m at as well as where my head is at these days. But hoping to be a much better blogging buddy soon.
Now where is that excursion list….JIC…..
2 Thessalonians 1:3“[Thanksgiving and Prayer] We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |