Wow what a busy several days I have had.! Not sure where to actually start . Michael and I arrived back in Maryland late last night to quite a "treat" from my adorable furry pal, Mocha. She left us several care packages if you know what I mean. Ugh! So guess what Michael and I were doing around midnight last night. Shampooing carpets. Yeppers. I ended up getting to bed late but fortunately I didn't go in to work today as early as I normally do. I just needed to get some sleep. If I had it to do over I would have stayed home...just feeling kinda run down...but I am sure once I get back into the swing of things I will be fine
A little rundown of my trip, friday night we arrived in Houston about 8:30 pm. I was

so glad to finally be there because it was a long day. Anyway, when we got there, we visited with the family and Betty. She seemed to be doing well, but you can never tell when someone is in pain. As we found out with being there several days she was taking some powerful pain medication. But she was a trooper and we loved the time we got to spend with her. She gave Michael 'her' ring to give to me right after we arrived. I ended up having to have it sized so we took it out on Saturday morning for resizing. I will have to get Michael to take a picture of it, as it is definitely unique and no other one is like it. It still means so much to me that she wanted me to have it. Still I feel it is a honor.
Later on Saturday afternoon we got word that Grandmom had past away. She had really been going

downhill since last week. But God has a wonderful and remarkable way of working things out in his timing. Since I already planned on being in Ky. on Monday and Tuesday and her viewing and burial were then. So it worked that I could be there for that as well as take care of the wedding preparations that we needed to take care of. I am so thankful that my hometown isn't a big place,so we could take care of what needed to be taken care of it a matter of hours. We got to the florist and ordered my alter and reception hall decorations. I went with tulips as my flowers. I love tulips and since it is spring I thought this would be very springy. I am going to do hycinths on the reception tables in assorted purples and pinks. The florist had some pictures of some weddings they had done in the past using tulips and it looked so nice. Very elegent and simple. That is the look I am striving for. Simple and sweet and not overly done.

We are going to have a rehearsal dinner at the church afterwards and it will be catered. Got the menu in place for that. I also am having a small reception with cake and goodies after the wedding on Saturday but afterwards we are going to have a dinner at a resturant in town(as most of our guest are from out of town). We went to the location and reserved the hall and set a menu. Whew! We also checked with the local hotels to reserve a block of rooms for out of town guest and we ordered the tuxes and Michael got fitted. We also had to run to the county clerks office to see what we needed to do to get our marriage license, since we don't live there. Got that taken care of too. So as you can see this was a busy trip. I know there is much more, but this was the highlights. Anyway, Michael and I still have quite a bit to do but we will get it done. Only five more weeks.
This weekend, I have to find shoes and lingerie to wear under the gown so that I have them for

my fitting next week. We still need to get our wedding bands, and Tori's dress and shoes, and all the incidentals that go with that. I still haven't decided what I want for my hair....but will decide. The one and major thing I fear is that since I am older and this is a second wedding, I don't want it to look like I am a young adult doing this for the first time. I am just trying to stay true to myself and what I like and keeping it simple, incorporating a few things that I really like from larger weddings.
Not planning on doing much the rest of this week other than work...I need to give myself a little break from the wedding plans. I will work more on the plans this weekend. My house really needs a good cleaning but will work on that this weekend too....I plan to spend some time over the next several days catching up with emails and such. I have a ton to go through that is the worst thing when you go on a trip and can't check your mail properly and open your inbox to 3 or 4 hundred emails. YIKES! So need to get through those. I also got backed up on my bible reading, so actually played catch up with that this morning. Now I am back on schedule.

I am sitting here watching American Idol while writing this....so if it doesn't make alot of sense you understand why. Actually Michael and I have been watching the ones we recorded to get up to date. Now I am caught up, watching the current show of the girls. I thought last nights show with the boys was actually good. So far this one has been just okay for me. I think I really like this Carly. Can we do something about the tattoo though? Its so distracting.
Before I leave, can I ask you all to please remember Michael's mom again in prayer, she went back to the doctor today for more chemo and test, we don't have any news yet how things went today, but just praying that she isn't in any pain, and that the chemo will continue to reduce the tumor she has. She really wants to be at the wedding so praying it works so that she can be there.
Hope you all are having a awesome rest of the week. I will try to stop in and visit with you all soon.
God Bless and hugs!