Saturday, September 27, 2008

Lots going on

This has truly been a busy week for me.  I can't believe that I haven't gotten back here to make a post, but after working all day everyday and then coming home to extra activities I have been pretty beat.  And when my night winds down early so that I can prepare for my early  mornings, I just don't get to this.  We all know that something has to go and unfortunately it is my blog.  Hoping in the next few weeks things will slow down some. 

I am thinking that I need to write post when I have time and then set them to publish.  Gotta figure that out though.  There is so many goodies that I find while reading all my blogs that I want to share some great places, and things with you all so thinking I need to get a system in place.  Gonna work on that this weekend.

A couple of things that have been going on with me is work...the company I work for lost the contract on which I have been working on for the last three years so for the last several weeks my job has been up in the air.  As of now, it looks like it all has worked out and I give God all the glory.  When I left work yesterday I found out that I still have a job on Wednesday.  God answered my prayers and alleviated my fears and anxiety.  Praise God!!!!

Last night Tori had a ball game  it was the homecoming game.  I missed it.  :( , However, I did get to have dinner with my daddy.  He drives a tour bus (he is retired and can still so he does this on the side) and he brought a group of seniors (55+) up to Washington DC and they just happened to be making a trip to the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, so Michael and I drove down and met him for dinner.  We don't get to do that very often and it was great to see him.  Even if it was for only a few short hours.

My sons left yesterday morning early and drove to Nashville Tn. to visit with my sister and go to the Titans and Vikings game with her on Sunday.  I would have loved to have gone as I can't wait to see my new little nephew Caleb. From the pictures I have seen he is simply adorable.  Can't wait to get my hands on him. 

Tonight Tori has her homecoming dance so I have been helping her this morning get everything ready.  Mainly her hair.  Boy is that alot of work.  This is the first time she hasn't gone and gotten it done, but she wanted to do it herself.  She has to run some errands in town, one of which is going to Claire's so get a head piece to wear with her dress.

I also had to go pick up her Senior portraits this week.  I finally got hers in a frame this morning and will hang it this weekend.  Michael and I are doing some home projects this weekend. Some of our task are:

  • painting the guest room
  • hanging new ceiling fan (in that room/as well as ours)
  • hang new curtain rods in our room
  • work on some fall projects
  • finishing decorating for fall ( still have to find the other boxes)
  • clean out my fridge
  • bake
  • make out menu for next week
  • work on my coupons and organize them

So as you can see I have quite a bit to do on my time off.  There are a few other things I would like to do, but not sure I will get to them.  So they may go on my ongoing list.

Going to post this now, and will try to get back a bit later and post again...maybe with some pictures.  (gotta get them off-loaded from the camera).

Have a blessed day. 


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1 comment:

Judy said...

Hi Cindy! Wow girl - do you stay busy, or what??? I understand about your time constraints & the blog having to take last place. Don't pressure yourself - I am happy to just find a few words here & there from you. I hope you can find some 'me' time & time to do all the fun things you want to do. Have fun this weekend - hope Tori enjoys her homecoming dance. Love ya Cindy! Sending you big hugs!

