Thursday, November 27, 2008

Black Friday

Are you out today in this? Stores opening at o dark-thirty, racing and pushing and shoving....

While everyone is out racing around doing this today, I am at home doing this....Having my meal with my family.

Did everyone have a great Thanksgiving day?
Most likely Michael and I will leave mom's some time tomorrow, so I might not get back to the computer until I get back home.  For those of you that are traveling have a safe trip home.  

Blessings to all,


Danna said...

Hi Cindy,
Guess what? I moved my blog but it is still on blogger. Anyway, I am glad you are having a good day with your family. The stores were so nuts with shopping that three people lost there lives today. That can't be OK. HUGS

No Ordinary Me said...

I did have a very lovely Thanksgiving. I shopped a little later in the day but we just really wanted to get out of the house a little. But it was later in the day and wasn't too bad.

Lori said...

Karl always goes out for Black Friday. He got a GPS and a digital camera this year and Kung Foo Panda.
We had a nice Thanksgiving. I hope you are doing well. ((BIG HUGS))!!

Elizabeth said...

Hi Cindy, it's much nicer to stay home on Black Friday than go shopping, I can't believe how nasty it's been this year, it's awful. I hope December starts well for you, hugs

~Pam~ said...

Hi Cindy!
I didn't go out shopping on Black Friday. I actually slept in that morning. lol
Hope your week is off to a great start.
Talk to you soon.~hugs~

