On Saturday, the weather was gloomy and rainy and so I stayed in my jammies most of the day. For some odd reason my whole body ached, and I had chills and then I would get hot. Go figure! Anyway, I just kinda was lazy that day. But I knew I had tons I needed to do on Sunday so I woke up rarin to go. My handy little list in hand and I was ready, until Michael mentioned going out for breakfast. I love eating breakfast out. So off we went. Seems afterwards I went downhill. I think it was the eggs at breakfast that made me sick. I spent the rest of the day sick to my stomach. (Recently I found out that I have a allergic reaction to eggs and therefore I order and eat Egg Beaters) However I am thinking my order got mixed up and I ended up eating eggs, but believe me I paid the price. Even though we still had to do errands we were quick about it so that I could get back home. The day turned out to be a perfect fall day and even though I didn't get alot done, Michael got the yard work done and trimmed all the bushes, and cut back flowers and got everything winterized. Thankful that is done.
Back to work I went yesterday and trying to get back into my routine. Although this is a short week for me. I plan to take Friday off so that I can spend it with my parents as well as go to Tori's football game. Friday night is senior night, and her school does a big thing for the seniors so that is one of the reasons for my parents visit. Unfortunately they have never gotten to see her cheer (live) in high school so this will be a first.

On Monday I will be back at work and my parents will be on the way home again. So this is going to be a short trip for us all, but one that I look forward too. This is a brief summary of the days ahead, but I wanted you to know why I am not around. I will be back first part of next week if everything goes okay. (By that I mean, I haven't gone out of town) Every day Michael and I keep waiting on news of his mother. She is terminally ill and we know that we don't have much more time. At the moment, we have tickets to fly out to Texas in a couple of weeks to visit and help out the family. Just don't know if we will have to go before that. So basically letting you know that I will get back when I can.
Have a wonderful Halloween.