Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Phase 1 - Thinking about the move

Wow, where has the time gone?  Can't believe that I  was away so long, but so much is going on and at rapid speed it seems. 

Since my last post I have been busy.  Lots of things on my mind and my plate.  We just returned from Florida  where we went down and visited with my step-daughter and our new grandson.  Oh how precious he is.  We enjoyed our time greatly and relished in the "down time and sun".  We had the opportunity to eat some great seafood which is always a good thing for me. But as much as I love to go and visit, it is nice to come back home and get back into my routine.  Even though September will be a hectic month for me.   

Spending some time trying to decide how to start packing up our little duplex (rental) and getting ready for the big move.  We will be closing on our house on the 9th of September, but not sure yet of the exact time of move in.  One of my goals with this move, is to go  thoroughly through all of our things and eventually have a massive yard sale at some point. Believe me when I say we are well past the time that this should have already been done.  


 A while back I started myself a little journal where I have been jotting ideas down on paper for my new home and have been spending time browsing and dreaming and writing things down to incorporate in my house.   I can not tell you how happy I am that soon I will be able to put some of these plans into motion.  I've realized over the years just how much my decorating style has changed and I want to breathe some new life into some old things. Do things a bit different that I have in the past. 

I am still thinking about starting a new blog with a more appropriate name.....hoping something will hit me soon, as I want to share this journey with you from the beginning.

Jeremiah 29:11- For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

1 comment:

NanaNor's said...

Hi Cindy, Your post brought back so many memories of what I was doing back during the winter. Thankfully, we had four months to pack and plan, but still a move is a huge task. After purging and packing, I just can't get into going to garage sales and buying more stuff(unless I really need it). Our new home is a more contemporary home and much of my country decor doesn't fit as well-but I still have touches of country all over.
Wishing you the best as you continue to prepare. We finally feel settled and I'm so happy-I'm sure you will feel that way too, once you are settled. I also share your verse-it is my life verse.
Hugs, Noreen

