Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thankful Thursday

emo_flowers1_thankfulThursdayGood Morning, or should I say Good Day, I am getting a much later start this morning on this post than I had wanted too.

But the reason for my tardiness is because since last evening at dinner time, I have been feeling quite nauseated and just all around sick to my stomach. 

Which brings me to what I am  thankful for today.  I am soooooooo thankmedicineful for medicine,for the possibility of a few hours of feeling a bit better,   without it today I wouldn’t be able to do this post.  And I hate to miss a opportunity to be thankful. Not to mention I am thankful that my hubby ran out late last night to pick up the medicine for me. 

Keeping this short and sweet. 

If you want to see more “thankful” ladies, check us out @ Grace Alone where Iris is our wonderful hostess.

James 3:13“[Two Kinds of Wisdom] Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.”

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Sue said...

Hi Cindy,
I am sooo sorry that you are not well, I pray nothing serious. I will pray for continued wellness. My prescription would be rest, rest, rest. And do take the medication. I enjoyed catching up on your two previous post. i enjoy my crock pots too. And Country Sampler is one of my favorite mags. I get a lot of ideas from it. I have been so busy trying to clean and getting ready for fall that i have not spent a lot of time on my computer, plus, I am nursing a very bad burn on my right hand today, and hubby has given me strict orders to not do anything but rest it. He didn't say anything about blogging though. lol

Melissa said...

Sorry to hear that you're not feeling up to par. I hope you'll be better soon!

NanaNor's said...

Blessings to you Cindy, Thank you for stopping by my blog today and for your kind comment. I'm thankful that you are feeling better today as well. I can see you love simple things and I will be following you now-I love your blog.

Sue@CountryPleasures said...

Hope your feeling better soon and so right about short and sweet! :)

nannykim said...

Hope you are feelig better very soon, without the meds!

Joan said...

Cindy - I pray you feel better soon. I love it when you said you hate to miss opportunities to be thankful.

I love your blog header. I'm so looking forward to fall.


Denise said...

Asking God to heal your sickness quickly.

LaVonne @ Long Wait said...

Cindy, I am sorry you are under the weather. My husband has been sick the last 2 days. Not fun.

Please enjoy your weekend and I do pray that you feel better.


Tracey said...

Sorry you haven't felt well Cindy. Hoping tomorrow is a better day for you. Retirement is not any time soon, just something we need to start preparing for or we will still be working in our 70's! ((HUGS))

Greenearth said...

Do hope you are feeling better now.

Patti said...

Hope you're feeling better today.

And, I agree, a husband that is willing to run to the store when you need him to is such a blessing. Sometimes, if I need something and I don't feel like going out, I ask my husband to stop at the store on his way home from work. After a long day, he's always anxious to get home, but ALWAYS, he's more than willing to go a bit out of his way to stop at the grocery store for me. SUCH a blessing.

Have a wonderful day,

Lynn said...


Hope you are doing better today. Happy TT on this Friday. Hugs. Lynn

KDL said...

What a shining example of thankfulness you are...honestly if my stomach is icky, thankful is the last thing I'm feeling. Medicine is good, and a cheerful heart doeth good like a medicine. I hope you are feeling all better soon.

LaughingLady said...

So sorry to hear you're not feeling well ~ I trust by now things have improved! I love how participating in TT gives us the opportunity to be thankful IN all things, even if we're not necessarily thankful FOR all things! ;)

Harter said...

What a beautiful blog you have! I just found the thankful Thursday blog hop and I am thankful for it!

Rita T. said...

Sure hope you're feeling better tonight. There's not much worse than being nauseated. Your blog is very lovely.

